Technology & Abundance At Our Fingertips

  • I.
    Electricity ( Amps: I & Voltage: V ) : Remember, current is the wave like an ocean that pushes like the wind and voltage is physical creation perpendicular to that of the wave or current. The wave is the electromagnetism and the voltage is the physical creation to that wave in 90 degrees.
    II. Health: Our biological bodies are electromagnetic organic manipulation machines. When we under-stand the waves, we will build the waves.
    III. Material Production: Rather than extracting or exciting electrons, we will control the field(s) that encompasses the electron, proton, & neutron BOHR model to produce any element we need.
    IV. Communication & Transportation: As the more under-stood this science engulfs, we will under-stand the magnetical strengths of any element configuration, person, planet, or galaxy. From under-standing the strengths in mathematics, we will build technology that will bring levitation, instant communication (no lag or resistance of Ohms law), & instant travel across the galaxies.
    V. Magnetical & Gravitational Field Strength: If we can create our own field strength within the field to cancel the field and then position our zero field to travel to a specific magnetic coordinate / strength, we will have instant travel to the area within the field of strength we set. No propulsion or explosion tech needed any more. No petroleum based products and / or mechanical energy will be needed in our generation.

    VI: Peace on Earth and Everyone Will Have Abundance. Everyone and Everything Will Balance in Symbiosis.
    ~C♯ @Dec 1, 2015
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