

  • Forums on Community site!
    Posted by Vince Roncalio November 10, 2017

    We have recently added the forums on the community site!


    As the forums are an integral part of a community, it brings all our social sharing under one location.  


    Bringing people togther, sharing knowledge for all Universal Kind...


  • 15 members led by Jack Leonis
    This group is for member of the UK community to connect for the purpose of promoting Keshe Foundation knowledge and technology in the UK.
  • 26 members led by Mark Jacobs
    This room is for anyone who is going into Mass Production, We will be working to speed up the process of production. Coming up with streamlined manufacturing process, for the production of the technology.
  • 13 members led by pascal harbonnier
    Ici sont et seront regroupés tous les tutos et aides à destination des francophones.
  • 14 members led by Pawel Braszka
    grupa mowiaca po Polsku wszystko co wiemy przekazujemy innym ;)
  • 3 members led by Charles Sharpe
    A group created to bring individuals from the local area to communicate, collaborate, and make use of Mr. Keshe's teachings and wisdom.
  • 4 members led by Charles Sharpe
    A group created to bring individuals from the local area to communicate, collaborate, and make use of Mr. Keshe's teachings and wisdom.
  • 1 member led by GARNIER Denis
    KESHE FOUNDATION POLYNESIE a pour raison d'être une volonté commune de mettre en oeuvre et d'expérimenter en Polynésie Française certaines des technologies (libres de droit ) offertes généreusement et gracieusement à l'Humanité par Mehran Tavakoli Keshe a...  more
  • 3 members led by Colin Byrne
    This group is to make contact with and progress the Keshe technologies and philosophies in South Africa
  • 16 members led by Eckmar Eckel
    Für alle deutschsprachigen Plasma Interessierten die ihre Erfahrungen untereinander austauschen möchten.
  • 33 members led by Cyril KR
    Groupe dédié à la communauté française suivant les travaux et expériences Keshe