Caroline DeRoose's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 14 of 19 in Wall Photos

Learning how to do Wishing is not difficult to do.
I give you a example.
Take this picture that I will send here and see how you react and how you feel how it effects you through your different emotions .
And take your time to go back to your first imprint of this image.
And what your instant reaction is towards that image.
And what your view tells you and what do you feel emotionally how to change that what you observe.
Then with your intent for that what you want to change you make your wish with your intent you send is creating the plasma energy that has been created through your intent connected with your emotion.(because you know the joy or the pain )
You can invite more plasma fields to come and join your wish because when you invite and post your wish.
More souls can join in the same emotion and add to your plasma fields (wish).
We can start with children trough little WISHES.
Now to anelize to make sure your wish is balanced.
You anelize how you will creat a balanced WISH and a just wish to all not only personally in your interest but that your wish will create balance for every person involved with your intent and wish .
Always release your wish to the universe and detach yourself from the wish to gather the necessary fields to create.
As you are the creator.
This is how man can and will confirm that He is the creator of his own reality.
The wishes are only their for mankind in a way to confirm that you all are creators.
As you see your wishes getting confirmed and if the wishes are in balance an just you will create ,
Carolina De Roose