Ron McLawrence's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 1 of 7 in Wall Photos

The trick with bending the spoon with your mind. We all can do it because its our own projection. If everyone can bend the spoon with their minds, would it be so special. In our current( energy) awareness of the UNI VERSE (duality), some can bend the spoon and many cannot. So the ones who can, are special and the ones(zeros) who think they  cannot,  are not special. The correlation of the two. A dependent, independent relationship, so to speak.  In order for you to be special, I have to agree not to be special. I call that the quantum agreement. We both know that we are both special and not special at the same instant but if one wants to be seen as different from the other, the agreement goes in effect. And so goes our merry go round. How about the See Saw ride. If we're at the flux, is anyone enjoying the ride. So one has to push off and the ride begins. If the riders are not evenly distributed eg. weight distribution, distance from each other etc. That affect the ride also. So think about the plasma, the weak giving the strong and the strong giving the weak. Harmony. End result, everyone's riding and having a good time. Learning to see( see, in) or observe the symmetry of your perception in relation to your innerstanding is fundamental in elevating of your self ( Soul or Spirit)