Jedi Simon's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 47 of 423 in Wall Photos

When you Control V paste sentences like this one: quote " All Glories To those Brave
Souls Who Push The Boundaries Of Knowledge And Experience For The
Benefit Of All"... -Is the Oblivion Curse included in pressing CANC, and deleting posts of this kind? I worked quite hard yesterday, and dedicated to the community 14 hours' work. It took you twenty seconds to transform this work into Absence.

This is normally called Disergy.
Take care because it is strongly gravitational, and whenever someone falls into this kind of fields, he will be trapped for quite a long time as Mr Keshe explained.  I have published first hand informations, and do understand control c control v point of view, although, curved thumbs show nowadays a limited understanding. I hope someone fixes this BUG. When I share lovingly, I never expect anything in return, but we all know that if there is no echo, the area is not resonant, but just empty, and when we meet someone that does not truly resonate, it's a pity, and even if compassion is what we should feel deeply inside our heart, it is a matter of discernment,  Conscience being absent.

See what happend to this guy quite a long time ago.???( he is still trapped in that field ).