Jedi Simon's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 250 of 423 in Wall Photos

256 You culd call it Vision, You could call it presence, You could call it Spirit, and You would not make a mistake. You coud understand that it is part of you and you are part of it, and still, your soul would only be a tiny drop of that immensity. Everyone of us belongs, although, we fell apart, and forgot to center our Spirit inside. Insight, is what you need, and positioning, of course. Since everything partecipates to the beauty of creation, this one, that is continuity in the presence of the sutra, and discontinuity, in the absence of it, being here and ther simultaneously, is Conscience of the highest order. Orders of Magnitude to it, are nothing but a game, and what appears and disappears belongs to it, and nothing we can grasp, for more that a moment that won't last. That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below. So, now, if you saw it, in post 255, this means that you are blessed. If you did not, stormy weather will help you to reach the sky above. Give a chance to your heart.