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    • April 13, 2018 8:22 AM CEST
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      Spaceship Blueprint Keshe Foundation Release APRIL 14TH & 15TH

      Spaceship Blueprint Keshe Foundation Release APRIL 14TH & 15TH


      Keshe Foundation Releases Spaceship Blueprint
      Mehran T. Keshe, Founder of the Keshe Foundation ( and the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute ( announces, “We are ready to open Space to Mankind.”

      Excitement surrounds the release of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Blueprint, as one of the the biggest announcements in human history. The Spaceship Blueprint reveals knowledge of spinning plasma fields and transcending time and space, opening doors worldwide to inspire exploration of this new plasma science. Gone forever is the old propulsion technology of rockets built with metal and screws. Join us for Live release of the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Blueprint!

      Broadcast LIVE: 10 am CEST (Central European Summer Time) (EST 4 a.m.)
      DAY 1 Saturday April 14th, 2018
      DAY 2 Sunday April 15th, 2018

      View Live Broadcasts online at the following links:

      (Recordings will be available on YouTube and ongoing programs to be announced)

      The SPACESHIP BLUEPRINT release is called “Day of the MOZHAN”
      The unique word MOZHAN is an acronym for the revolutionary new science of space travel, that will carry us beyond where we have ever been. Mr. Keshe states, “You will be able to develop your own cars and ships and become the Man of Space.”
      MOZHAN = Man Originated Zone Habitation And Nutrition
      - a Spaceship that contains everything we need.

      Millions of Knowledge Seekers have been participating in these plasma teachings from around the world, which has created an open source learning and research network.

      "Sharing freely, teaching freely...we have broken the taboo of borders, nationality and race."
      - Mehran T. Keshe

      This post was edited by Rick Crammond at April 14, 2018 7:20 AM CEST

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