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  • Topic: Here's an update on the "Create The Future Design Contest&q

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    • May 25, 2022 6:27 AM CEST
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      Here's an update on the "Create The Future Design Contest"

      Here's an update on the "Create The Future Design Contest"


       The Keshe Foundation's entry of the Universal Flight Enhancement Spaceship Unit, is currently in 2nd place overall in the Popular Vote part of the contest, and is 3rd in Number of Views! There are about 160 entries so far in 7 categories.


      You can vote for the Universal Flight Enhancement Spaceship Unit in the "Create The Future Design Contest" by going to the above webpage and clicking on the "Sign Up" button at the upper right part of the page. (Or, click "Login" if you voted last year.) Then you can log in to vote. The sign-up is easy, but will need your personal info to prevent fraudulent votes.


      Thank-you to all those who show support for the Keshe technology by voting.

      Please share!

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