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    • July 26, 2022 9:28 AM CEST
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      Energy Blueprint Day - Part 3 and 443rd KSW July 28th 2022

      Energy Blueprint Day - Part 3  July 28th 2022

      "A Revolution in Energy Supply"


      Energy Blueprint Day - Part 3 will be held live during the 443rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop of July 28th, 2022.

      Part 3 will focus on the revolutionary Gas Production Enhancement Unit, and the production of hydrogen and methane gases.


      Energy Blueprint Day topics include:

      - Emergence of a new technology in the production of gas and electricity.

      - Europe becomes independent of gas resources...and changes the economy of Western Europe.

      - A revolution in the energy industry independence from Earth resources, as promised by the Keshe Foundation.


      Mr Keshe asks everyone to contact scientists, ambassadors, and all levels of government around the world, and invite them to be present to witness this important demonstration. Please inform the mainstream media, and share it all social media.  Contact email:


      Energy Blueprint Day - Part 3 will be broadcast live on Thursday July 28th, 2022, starting at 9 am CEST in KFSSI Zoom room 939-474-503, and on Youtube and Livestream at the following links:



      Live Zoom room 939-474-503 :  


      Youtube streaming:


      Livestream at: 



      Link to Keshe Foundation Store:

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