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  • Topic: Donations to the Keshe Foundation have come to the forefront

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    • December 7, 2018 4:59 PM CET
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      Donations to the Keshe Foundation have come to the forefront

      The Keshe Foundation is playing a key role in creating a cleaner and better future that we wish to live in, by presenting universal concepts for the education and elevation of all beings on this planet, and beyond into Space.

      So, it's important that the Keshe Foundation continues to be supported to do its work.

      As Mr Keshe explained in the last 253rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop, donations to the Keshe Foundation have come to the forefront in order to continue programs.

      The support for the Keshe Foundation has come primarily from Mr Keshe for the last two decades. Now, it's time for the Keshe Foundation to become self-sufficient financially.

      It is now our responsibility as a plasma science community, to come together to support that fountain of knowledge that is flowing from the source, to nurture and care for it for the benefit of others.

      One way to help the cause is by donations of money to offset the daily overhead costs of the KF organization and to support the hard-working administrators who dedicate their lives to maintaining the KF infrastructure.

      The best way to donate money, especially larger sums, is directly to the KF bank account with instructions at this page:
      Paypal and credit cards can also be used if necessary.

      Many thanks to all the wonderful knowledge seekers who have been supportive to the Keshe Foundation in a variety of ways over the years!

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