Oscar Zozaya Doeing's Album: Wall Photos

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LEAD GANS EMITTING LIGHT. Hello Mr.Rick Crammond, I´m Oscar Zozaya from Riviera Maya, Mexico. I have something to share and also help needed.  I have made lead gans that seems that they emit light.  I´m posting a picture where you can see formation like stars, this are the ones that look yellow with light, then you can see how different lead gans gathered like galaxies.   I pictured all the process where we can see each step. Tell me if this is of interest and where to send them?   I can only post one picture here.
I have a cleaning method done to the copper sheat metal.  Cleaner is a dioxidaizer, phosphoric acid diluted in water.
After doing this, I obtained a deep and fast  custic nano coating.
Question to get help.   When I touched for the first time the container of the first badge of lead gans,  I suffered a huge pain in the wrist of the hand that raised the gans.   Inmediately I left the container on the table.  I raised it again and pain came back.  I did it no more.  This was in the morning, by the afternoon, I had a terrible headache and at night, I could not sleep, feeling sickness in my stomach  Took a long time to fell asleep.  Next morning, I felt really good.  I arrived to my shop where the gans are, and  washed them and since then nothing else happenned.   
This new second batch, the one that emits light, has a difference with the first one only that I left it for two days in the salt water generator.   I thought first badge needed more timing process so I dumped it into the salt generator.  I accidentally touched the water with the point of my finger and inmediatley a strong pain came in my foot sole.   Question:  How dangerous is dealing with lead gans?  I have two colors in there. Dark red I guess its lead oxide type two,  dark brown I guess its lead.
I hope you can write me back soon.  
Thanks for your time,
Oscar Z.   my email:   ozozaya@hotmail.com
1 comment
  • Gina O'Connor likes this
  • Rick Crammond
    Rick Crammond Does it emit light when in complete darkness? Or does it fluoresce or get brighter under light?

    I think feeling sick from touching or being near lead gans is a pretty good indication to stay very far away from it... The lead gans is likely much stronger...  more
    January 15, 2016 - 1 likes this