Jedi Simon's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 205 of 423 in Wall Photos

223c Troll just erased my last post. I suppose it did not like it. Ok. here it is again. It is a fact. Givers are givin us a chance to get better. They have been helping us in the past years quite a few times. Since 1989, take a look at the crop circle database. These drawings are OPEN SOURCE BLUE PRINTS. We should call them GREENPRINTS. They are Open source, so they should not be copyrighted in any way. They are knowledge sharing. Open source given to help us to reach independence from energy abusers and to rise our level of scientific understanding and conscience. In year 2008 this guy took notice of the drawing and made good use of it. It is a fact. When I told You that You should try these configurations, in star formations, I was not kidding. So, please, consider this piece of advice seriously. All this is OPEN SOURCE and should be considered in such a way. Test these Drawings and make good use of them.