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Why does alcohol make you sexually active

  • February 5

    Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, and as such, its effects on sexual behavior are complicated and individualistic.Drinking alcohol may reduce social anxiety and inhibitions, increasing a person's willingness to interact with others in social situations, especially sexual situations. Increased self-assurance and a more accepting outlook on sexual encounters may result from this.Drinking alcohol in moderation might help you feel more at ease and relieve tension. This may help some people feel happier and more open to engaging in sexual activities.

    Drinking alcohol may have an impact on perception and cognitive function. Under the influence of alcohol, some people may have altered perceptions of their sexual attractiveness or talents, which might result in an increase in interest in sexual behavior.Drinking alcohol may have a numbing effect that lessens sensitivity to pain and other stimuli. This might help explain why some people think having sex is more enjoyable.